Dear Critter Corner: We have noticed that our pup is starting to become very demanding and barking at us to initiate a game of ball or to get our attention. We have also noticed that he is starting to whine during our meal times and is more underfoot. We are not sure how to fix this problem, can you help?

Many of our pups try to push the limits to see what they can get away with or to get you to do for them. With this can come some demanding types of behaviors such as the ones you have described. Here are some easy ways to help curb your pups’ demanding ways before they become a full-blown problem.

You will first need to find out what is keeping the behavior strong or reinforcing the behavior. Once we have this, we can look at ways to extinguish the undesirable or demanding behavior. If we use the pup that is barking to get our attention for our example, the first thing we would want to do is to make sure that we don’t let this behavior get the desired result. It may look like my dog is barking for my attention to throw his ball, but instead of me doing what he wants, I may walk away and ignore my pup until he is quiet. I could now ask him for a simple exercise such as a sit or a down and then reinforce that behavior with the throwing of the ball that he really wanted.

Looking at the pup that is whining during mealtimes, you could ask your pup to go to their spot or bed and lay down with their own special chew. You will want to make sure that your pup is not rewarded for being in the vicinity of the table during mealtime. Be sure that all family members are on board with this one since 1 slip of food can keep the behavior strong and make your pup more determined for the next time around.

You can take a look at our website to see the resources we offer in the form of Handouts, Classes, 1:1 Consultations, or you can call our Behavior Hotline.

Tasha Suda is the Lead Dog Trainer for the Peninsula Humane Society &  SPCA Behavior Department. For more information, please visit, call 650-340-7022 or email