High School Sports

The team won 27-0 over Upper Cape during the game on Friday.

Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School has halted varsity football after some of the players and coaches displayed “unprincipled behavior.”

The move is in response to actions during the team’s 27-0 blowout win over Upper Cape in South Easton on Friday, according to The Boston Globe.

School superintendent Luis Lopes noted that the coaches and players were reportedly using foul language toward the other team and and showed “poor sportsmanship,” according to a statement obtained by the Globe.

“Not only were multiple penalties called during the game, but the behavior of students and coaching staff after the game was not at all consistent with the values of our school community,” he said.


The behavior of the team will be monitored over the next few weeks, he said, and that will determine if the team plays its upcoming Thanksgiving game. The team is forfeiting its playoff game this Friday against Shawsheen Valley Tech, the newspaper reports.

High school football teams in the state have come under scrutiny in recent months due to the behavior of coaches and players.

An assistant football coach in Newton was fired after he allegedly used a racial slur during a post-game huddle in October. A Catholic high school football team on Cape Cod allegedly used racial slurs against another team, and during a football game between Georgetown and Roxbury Prep Charter High School, a fight broke out after racist language was allegedly used toward the Roxbury team.

Also, this past spring, the Duxbury team was said to have been using anti-Semitic play calls.