
A Behavior Isn't a Problem. It's a Message. | Scriptype -

By Carole Klingler, RN, BSN

Physical changes in the brains of people living with dementia affect their ability to process information. As a result, they sometimes respond with puzzling behaviors. A loved one may become anxious or aggressive, for instance, repeating questions or misinterpreting what is said.  Re-thinking how you, as the caregiver, are communicating and understanding the reasons for their behavior can help. 

Behaviors may not mean what you think: Think of the behavior as a message, not a problem.  

Ask questions: Don’t assume you know what the behavior means. Ask lots of questions to get to the real need your loved one is trying to express.

Express your desire to help: This validates feelings and provides reassurance.

Consider the person’s history for clues: People with dementia cannot rely on memories to solve problems. Once upon a time, your mother may have used stretching, heat or ice to address low back pain. Today, she cannot remember those coping strategies, so you witness a behavior instead.

Enter your loved one’s reality: Aggressive behavior is often a way to express pain. Is your mother hitting the person trying to help her stand up? This may be her way of communicating pain.

Consider what the underlying message might be: Wandering may indicate a need to find a bathroom or be a sign he or she is missing a loved one. Hoarding may be a way to compensate for forgetting where things belong.

When underlying causes like pain and anxiety are well-managed, behaviors improve. Sometimes, medications are helpful, but art, music or massage can also be effective. For more information on caring for those with advanced dementia, call 216-383-2222. 

Carole Klinger, RN, BSN, is team leader at Hospice of the Western Reserve as well as a master trainer for Dementia Friends Ohio.

Opinions and claims expressed above are those of the author
and do not necessarily reflect those of ScripType Publishing.

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June 20, 2020 at 02:57AM

A Behavior Isn't a Problem. It's a Message. | Scriptype -
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